Although the beginning of the semester is over, nothing is slowing down. Usually it feels like there's a moment to catch your breath before midterms, but not this year and they're already upon us. And my school is going to mask optional without a firm vaccination requirement for students, and...I have feelings. I don't necessarily think going mask optional is the wrong decision now, since rates have lowered significantly since the Omicron surge, it's just that I generally feel these decisions have been arbitrary and geared toward serving students in a customer service fashion rather than truly considering safety. I'm also not sure how comfortable I'm going to feel or when I'll feel comfortable taking my mask off, but I guess I'll have to figure that out. I want to be really clear: I'm not judging people for almost any decision in regard to masking because I don't think there *is* a right decision here (I absolutely judge people who could be vacci...
Life, Books, and SFF