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Showing posts from July, 2018

Reading Retrospective: Life Is Not A Thing Unalterable

Reading Retrospective on Tara Westover's Educated and Judy Blume's In the Unlikely Event : Life is Not a Thing Unalterable “Life is not a thing unalterable.” –Tara Westover, Educated: A Memoir “Life is a series of unlikely events.” –Judy Blume, In the Unlikely Event *Note: Spoilers for both books ahead* I read Tara Westover’s memoir Educated simultaneously with Judy Blume’s semi-autobiographical novel In the Unlikely Event . Both books, especially the latter, surprised me, thrilled me, and filled me with an unexpected medley of emotions. Educated , although it took place in the time I grew up in, could have happened on a different planet. Westover’s childhood in rural Idaho, where she grew up with six older siblings and essentially no school (she was technically homeschooled, but other than learning to read, this doesn’t seem to have figured hugely for her), learning to make herbal medicine and work in a scrapyard, was worlds away from my suburban, Maryland public-schoo

Top Ten Books With Sensory Reading Memories

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl ! Top Ten Books With Sensory Reading Memories What a great idea! I hope this one comes up again! 1. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton Outside, on the way to a pep rally, nose buried in the book my teacher just gave me. Don't remember a second of the pep rally, just the bleachers underneath me, the smell of grass, and my eyes on the page. 2. Matilda by Roald Dahl Sitting at the kitchen table with my dad, going over the math problem that Matilda's dad poses to his son, and Matilda answers immediately (Spoiler alert: Matilda had the right answer). 3. Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore by Matthew Sullivan Purchased at Tattered Cover in downtown Denver, and dug into on the hotel bed, between explorations of the city and the mountains outside. 4. Dawn by Octavia Butler Pulled off the shelf in my dad's office, I remember sitting in one of his office chairs, my feet up on his extra desk, staring up at th

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts

Usually hosted at Bookishly Boisterous , who is vacationing this week instead! Janeway and Picard, Space Station Mir 1. Insurance forms are such a pain, and it annoys the hell out of me because I'm pretty sure it's on purpose. But, really,why shouldn't you want me to pay you for something I will probably not need or at least not anytime soon? Seriously. Also, I resent that our society has created this need. 2. On a happier note, we adopted another dog! His name is Picard, and he and Janeway are already best friends. 3. For the Fourth of July, I made apple and apricot hand pies with the recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction.   I was pleased with how they turned out, especially the crust, and I will definitely be using the crust again for full-size pies! 4. I recently finished reading Tara Westover's memoir,  Educated, about growing up in rural Idaho with a survivalist Mormon family,   and--Wow. The writing is phenomenal, and her childhood is fascinating.

My Reading Life

Currently Reading: My sister gave me this book some years ago, but it's been sitting on my TBR shelf for a while. However, I just moved and there's now some doubt as to where the books/bookshelves will end up, so all my books are sitting in boxes AND I don't have Internet, so I reached in and pulled a book out of the TBR box, and almost haven't put it down since! I found this audiobook in the library, and it's been on my TBR, so I went for it. Very glad I did since I DNFed the last couple audiobooks I started. Even though it's got multiple perspectives and a little bit of multiple time periods (so far, just a preface in a different time), which drive me crazy in general and especially with audiobooks, I am LOVING it. Also, I love the voice(s) of the narrator Kathleen McInerney. You's Judy Blume for adults! Recently Finished: : This was a powerful conclusion to a powerful trilogy. While describing it to my dad, he asked if it