This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is books having to do with water. I guess that makes sense for a time of year (in the States, anyway) when we really appreciate the value of water, for ourselves and for our gardens. I went with books that center around water or a body of water, and those are usually included in the title, the cover, or both. Happy Top Ten Tuesday! Books About Water The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris--The titular water is actually about a fountain, and it's certainly central to the book. Life of Pi by Yann Martell--I'd say a book about a boy and a tiger on the ocean fits here, and the classic cover has plenty of sea blue. Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield--Set around a river (the Thames) just like the title suggests, both literally and figuratively. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain--I always associate this classic tale with the Mississippi River, and the covers of most editions I've seen show Huck and Jim in the boat--or just ...
Life, Books, and SFF