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Book Review: The Temple Scroll by Erez Hassul


A man stands inside a cave, hands on hip, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, from behind,  while another man rappels down above him.
Full disclosure, I'm related to the author, but I truly enjoyed this Israeli Indiana Jones-type adventure centered on a research group at Hebrew University: history grad student Yaeli, chemistry grad student Nathaniel, rappelling expert/desert guide Yoav, and Professor Reuveni, who discover a mysterious rebellion-era scroll that may lead them to the long-hidden treasures of the Second Temple. This is a Da Vinci Code with more relatable characters and more realistic history. Where it does diverge from history into action, and the requisite villainous secret society, the text remains humorously self-aware. There is a special starring role for Yaeli's Canaan dog, and this wouldn't be a book by my family if there weren't several recipes, including almost an entire chapter (two pages, to be fair) about cooking a chicken. My cousin's knowledge as a geologist and former tour guide shines brightly in a series of interspersed vignettes from various time periods detailing the story of the scroll, which never overshadow or distract too much from the contemporary storyline. One also never misses the perfidy of the Roman soldiers, always sure to be barbarously chewing on some iteration of pork. This archaeological quality of  storytelling resembles a Michener novel, though thankfully shorter and faster-paced. Although the ending is a bit abrupt, I certainly wouldn't mind spending more time with these characters in a sequel. Highly recommended to fans of Israel, the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient history, mystery thrillers, and/or Canaan dogs. Or if you want a delicious chicken recipe or two. 

You can purchase the book here; I do not receive any commissions :-P


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