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Books I Loved But Never Reviewed

 Reviewed is a strong word. I've mostly stopped doing formal book reviews except for author requests and/or when I feel like it, but I usually give some description and or opinions of books I'm reading, usually multiple times, through weekly and monthly wrap-ups. I do find that it' s more difficult to review my absolute favorite books than books I either disliked or engaged with strongly on an intellectual rather than emotional level. For example, I rarely review poetry beyond "I loved it'" or "Meh." It's much easier to explain criticism of vocabulary usage or a plot device than explain how the book felt like a snug little snow globe. So, for this Top Ten Tuesday, I'm listing books that I loved, didn't give a formal review, and (I think) didn't discuss too much. 

Books I Loved But Never Reviewed

  1. A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
  2. Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman
  3. We Are Okay by Nina LaCour
  4. The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin
  5. The Temeraire books by Naomi Novik
  6. Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
  7. The Creation of Eve by Lynn Cullen
  8. The Bondwoman's Narrative by Hannah Crafts
  9. Every Last One by Anna Quindlen
  10. Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Sometimes I just can't seem to make myself write a review about a book that I love. I wonder now if it is that I am afraid that my review won't live up to the book itself. Here is my TTT list
Marg said…
The Temeraire books are so good! I did review some of them but not all.
Lorraine said…
Loved A Closed and Common Orbit - not sure why I didn’t think of it for my list!
I think you are right. There are some books we love on an emotional level that are hard to express.
Lydia said…
I really need to read Purple Hibiscus sometime.

My TTT .
A Closed and Common Orbit is such an amazing read - I did review it though!! I usually find it harder to review three star reads or books I'm a little bit indifferent to :D
Poinsettia said…
It is hard to review books sometimes, even when we love them. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Writing down how you feel about a book can be hard sometimes, I don’t find it so hard on books I love, I find it hard on books that failed to hit the spot for me.
Lectrice Vorace said…
I also don't really write long formal reviews, just my overall thoughts and feelings.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.
Judy Krueger said…
I am glad to know you finished The Broken Earth trilogy.
I know I read a book by Anna Q., but I don't know if it was that one. I remember really liking it, though.

Brooke Lorren said…
There are several authors on this list I have yet to read but want to, like Naomi Noavik and Becky Chambers. These are great recommendations at least!
curlygeek04 said…
I haven't read Purple Hibiscus, but Adichie is a great writer. I really liked Novik's series, and Chambers is growing on me. I almost never review series books, unless it's the first in a series. It's hard to talk about them without talking about the other books in the series.

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