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Favorite Bookstores

 *Rubs hands together*. I have a lot of favorite bookstores, all over the country and the world. Here are some of my favorites, and I hope to have more someday!

Happy Top Ten Tuesday!

Favorite Bookstores

  1. Daedalus Books in Charlottesville, VA--I loved the name and appropriately labyrinthine nature of this used bookstore--there are also a ton of other used bookstores in Charlottesville, but this is my fav.
  2. The Book Loft of German Village in Columbus, OH--Also a labyrinthine store, but in another way--this one has rooms and rooms of books, similar to the Strand in length, but better organized--each room has its own curated music! Plus there's a lovely outdoor area to read in the warmer months.
  3. Shakespeare & Company in Paris, France--This was on my bucket list. I'm glad I got the chance to peruse this famous English language bookstore across from Notre Dame. 
  4. The Seminary Co-Op in Chicago, IL--I got to see both the original and the new co-op space, and I love them both. The original had the charm of being in an actual church basement with pipes along the walls, and the new one captures that slightly claustrophobic feel with their uniquely designed bookshelves but in a newer, sunnier space.
  5. Second Edition Books in Columbia, MD--Another used bookstore; this one has a great membership policy where it's easy to trade or exchange books; great collections of scifi, fantasy, military history in particular, and some classics and antique books.
  6. Bookbar in Denver, CO--Exactly what it sounds like, nicely curated collection of books plus a bar and a great place to read outdoors by the firepit.
  7. Brattle Book Shop in Boston, MA--An antique bookshop, with some books that the average person could buy, but mostly a place to look and wonder.
  8. Four Seasons Books in Shepherdstown, WV--My husband found this and brought me here on a trip as a delightful surprise, and we bought some science fiction. :-)
Image Credit: Shelby H., Bookstore, 2009 June 11, Creative Commons.


Lydia said…
These all sound like wonderful places to visit!

My post:
Susan said…
I walked by Shakespeare and Company while in Paris last year, but there were still pretty strict COVID restrictions then which made for super long lines just to get inside. I was willing to wait, but my family wasn't. Boo hoo.

Happy TTT!

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