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Most Recent Books I Did Not Finish

 I feel like I've been DNFing a fair amount lately, mostly with review books. I feel obligated to read review books longer than I would if they were books I just picked up on my own. That said, I have a caveat in my Book Review Policy that if I feel I am not the right audience for the book, I won't post a review. I try to avoid that by only picking books I genuinely think I will enjoy, but of course I can't always predict that before I read. Also, while book clubs have been a great way to get exposed to books I wouldn't normally read, tastes will differ and every once in a while, I find a book I'm just not willing to finish. I also want to say no shade to the authors or anyone who enjoyed these books--they just weren't for me.

Happy Top Ten Tuesday!

Most Recent Books I Did Not Finish

1. Caribbean Competitors by Poppy Minnix--LibraryThing review--This one sounded great and has a beautiful cover, but while the island setting was compelling, I just couldn't get into the characters or their motivations. 

2. I Bought My Husband's Mistress Lingerie by Stacey Freeman--LibraryThing review--GREAT title but the essays were very short and specific and while I definitely think they would be relatable to some women, they just didn't speak to me.

3. Paddle Your Own Canoe by Nick Offerman--Admittedly, I just started this audiobook to get to sleep. I love Offerman's voice, but when the library checkout ran out, I didn't feel compelled to renew it. Maybe someday.

4. Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin--Book club read-- I have a lot of respect and empathy for Raskin, but I'm just not here for this subject matter anymore and wouldn't even have tried except for book club. I couldn't finish the book and ended up skipping that meeting.

5. Women in Sunlight by Frances Mayes--Book club read--sort of--So, my other book club had planned to read this, and I got it out of the library but almost as soon as I started reading, they decided they didn't want to finish it, and even though I liked it, I didn't like it enough to finish it in addition to the new book. Maybe I'll go back to it someday. 


Lydia said…
Those are all great reasons to stop reading a book.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
Stephen said…
"I Brought My Husband's Mistress Lingerie" definitely has an eye-catching title... O_O

I'm very picky about the books I try, so I went with an alternate theme this week -- the last Kindle books I previewed. It's here if you are curious. :)
Susan said…
Bummer these didn't work for you. Thank goodness there are SO MANY more books out there to move on to!

Happy TTT!
Lectrice Vorace said…
It's totally fine if books aren't a good match for us! There are plenty of other books out there!

Here's my TTT list.
iloveheartlandX said…
I Bought My Husband's Mistress Lingerie is such a funny title but I can't see it being a book for me either!
I'm not familiar with any of these, sorry they didn't work for you. Happy reading! My TTT
Lydia said…
I’ve been DNFing a lot lately, too!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
Pam said…
I haven't read any of the books you've mentioned, but I applaud you for knowing when to DNF a book. It is something that I have been doing more, even with review books. My husband will listen to me venting about a book and then tell me to drop it. Yes, I feel guilty for doing that with ARCs, but if I'm not meshing with a book, I'm not going to rip the book apart in a review. I will inform the publisher that I will not review the book and then write a brief comment on Goodreads stating I DNF the book and why. That way, people can decide if they want to try reading it.

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

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