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Books I'm Looking Forward To in the Second Half of 2024

I'm surprised how many upcoming books I actually am aware of--a few came to mind right away, and for some I had to check Goodreads, but even though I usually read the backlist, turns out I am pretty tuned in this year! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's picks too--Happy Top Ten Tuesday!

Books I'm Looking Forward To in the Second Half of 2024

  1.  Dreams of Ice and Shadow by Kathryn Troy--July 23, 2024--I've been reading the eARC slowly and helping with the social media build-up to this release for the second in the Frostbite trilogy--I just love Troy's lush, witty writing and intense characters!
  2. My Salty Mary by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows--August 20, 2024--I've been wanting to read their irreverent alternate histories and so excited to see one coming about one of my fav women pirates, Mary Read!
  3. Until Next Summer by Ali Brady--July 9, 2024--Looks like a fun summer read, and you don't see too many novels about summer camp!
  4. The Book of Witching by C.J. Cooke--October 8, 2024--Not a book I would normally read since it's about a family tragedy and advertised as horror but it's also about the history of witches in the Orkneys, which intrigues me. 
  5. The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song--July 2, 2024--"Sweeping fantasy adventure inspired by the legend of Mulan" and I'm sold! *Edited to Add*
  6. The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst--July 9, 2024--Refugees from a "great library" setting up a spellshop in a "cottagecore" fantasy sounds adorable!
  7. A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping by Sangu Mandanna--December 24, 2024--She is having quite a year!
  8. A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher--August 6, 2024--I love fairy tale retellings, Goose Girl, and T. Kingfisher (but I hope this one isn't too scary!)
  9. Magical Meet Cute by Jean Meltzer--August 27, 2024--A Golem romance by Jean Meltzer--already preordered!
  10. The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman--July 16, 2024--I'll always give Lev Grossman a whirl after the Magicians, and I'm a bit of a connoisseur of Arthurian fiction!


Stephen said…
The Mulan-inspired one should be good! Fair bit of SF on my list if you're interested.
Lydia said…
The Night Ends With Fire sounds great.
Susan said…
I love the Jane/Mary series and I'm especially excited for this pirate story. It sounds like so much fun! I hope you enjoy all these.

Happy TTT!
I really need to get to the Jane and Mary books and one about pirates? Sounds so up my alley!
Ellie said…
I've read The Lighthouse Witches by C.J. Cooke and I think their style is much more gothic horror than anything too scary.

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